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 This creamy shampoo bar cleanses the hair without stripping all the oils out. It's full of nourishing oils such as Avocado oil, Shea butter, Castor oil and Coconut oil and Rosemary oil all help to make the hair super soft and shiny.

Each of the oils used has a benefit to the hair, Coconut oil helps too moisturize and soothe the scalp and helps to protect the hair whilst washing, 

Avocado oil contains monosaturated fats, making it a good choice for hair treatments.Avocado oil also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is can help treat dandruff, prevent breakage of the hair by lubricating the hair strands.

Castor Oil is such a versitile oil it can be used on the skin or on the hair, it is packed with antioxidants and vitamins to help both the scalp as well as the hair. 

Rosemary Essential oil, its healing properties are well know, it helps stimulate circulation, adds shine to the hair as well as being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Vegan friendly. 

Easy lather and smells amazing!! Everyone's experience of Transition from regular shampoo to a bar is different. We advise a slow approach of gradually increasing the amount of washes with the bars. (This is based on what has worked for us)

Rosemary & Avocado Shampoo Bar

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